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Velaclock deluxe serial


The Nun would later have a cameo in the 2017 film Annabelle: Creation and receive its own spin-off film, The Nun, released on September 7, 2018, and The Nun 2 scheduled to be released on September 8, 2023. In the film's interpretation, the demon is associated with snakes, seeking human possession to escape its confinement within the Cartha monastery of Romania. However, the character bears no resemblance with myth besides the name. The 2016 horror film The Conjuring 2 has "Valak" as the main antagonist, taking on the form of a demonic nun and The Crooked Man from the rhyme There Was a Crooked Man.


"Ualac" appears in the Hellboy story "Box Full of Evil" as a major antagonist.In issue #7, a young Edward Spellman, father of Sabrina Spellman, summons the demon at the request of Alphonse Louis Constant. "Volac" appears in the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina comic book series.The 1998 film Vampires features a character named "Valek" as the first vampire.Valak, as featured in The Nun (2018), played by Bonnie Aarons Ī manuscript titled Fasciculus Rerum Geomanticarum lists him as Volach. Rudd's version uniquely has Valac opposed by the Shemhamphorasch angel Iahhel. All extant and complete versions of the Officium Spirituum list Doolas as 25th demon, commanding 20 legions of spirits. The Officium Spirituum (depending on the manuscript) ranks Coolor as either 21st (with no note of how many spirits he commands) or (in the copy found in the Folger Shakespeare Library) 22nd and commanding 13 legions of spirits. The Munich Burnich describes Volach as controlling 27 legions of spirits. Valac is listed 62nd in the Lesser Key (even by Rudd) and the 50th by Weyer, with either version claiming he leads 30 legions of demons (though some manuscripts say 38). The Officium Spirituum similarly attributes Doolas with the power to give the summoner command of serpents as well as "household spirits," but it ranks Coolor and Doolas as princes instead of presidents. The Lesser Key, the Munich Burnich, Rudd, and Weyer further agree in ranking Valac as a president and attributing him with the power to locate, summon, and control serpents.


Valac is a demon described in the goetic grimoires The Lesser Key of Solomon (in some versions as Ualac or Valak and in Thomas Rudd's variant as Valu), Johann Weyer's Pseudomonarchia Daemonum (as Volac), the Liber Officiorum Spirituum (as Coolor or Doolas), and in the Munich Manual of Demonic Magic (as Volach) as an angelically winged boy riding a two-headed dragon, attributed with the power of finding treasures. Valac, as depicted in the Dictionnaire Infernal

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