Spacechem accidents happen
Spacechem accidents happen

spacechem accidents happen

Doesn't stop them from expanding across the galaxy. SpaceChem: A Brief Introduction : Double Bonds : Every Day is the First Day. We Have Reserves: SpaceChem has a lot of "unfortunate accidents" and "anomalies" at its colonies.Unexpected Genre Change: While most of the levels have you designing machines to meet quotas of output molecules, the defense missions require you to design a machine that you can use to respond to external events.The Blank: Quororque does this to Joel, to the absolute horror of the protagonist.There are also certain in-game challenges to beat particular times on levels, starting with "Complete 'Nothing Works' in under 1000 cycles".Speed Run: The game includes statistics on how fast other people's reactions ran, how many reactors they used, and how many symbols they used in their reactors, giving Challenge Gamers at least three realms on which to compete.Nintendo Hard: Starting with the planet Alkonost, which features levels like "Prelude to a Migraine" and " No Ordinary Headache", where the game starts throwing multiple molecules down a single input.One memorable boss requires you to turn a transport rocket into a nuke, using water as your only raw material. MacGyvering: Defense missions always require you to supply a machine built from whatever you have on hand at the base.Also, the aforementioned fictional elements. Gratuitous Greek: The input and output regions are labeled with Greek letters.Apparently, that's all SpaceChem employees get to eat. Future Food Is Artificial: One of the products SpaceChem manufactures is.Near the end of the game, the reactions introduce elements that don't exist. Elements Do Not Work That Way: See Art Major Physics.Unfortunately, they are played all too straight, remotely possessing and causing the gruesome deaths of several named characters, and killing large swathes of the company's local workforce in their rampages. Eldritch Abomination: The last level on each planet (save the tutorial) is a battle to destroy one of these.Earthshattering Kaboom: Fail to defend your control center, and the proprietary Reaction Mediation Device in said center annihilates the planet."Danger Zone", a level on Hephaestus IV, is a simple bonding/sensor mission in the middle of a planet filled with rotations.Breather Level: The tutorial stages when they introduce new tools.Boss Subtitles: For the Eldritch Abominations below.However, ammonium compounds won't fit into the game's square grid.)


  • Technically nitrogen could have 5 bonds - 4 covalent bonds when positively ionized, plus one ionic bond (the game doesn't distinguish between covalent and ionic bonds), e.g.
  • We already manufacture many of the product chemicals, and the whole process they're using is incredibly over elaborate. It does flub up though with the complicated machines.

    spacechem accidents happen

    It doesn't have enough empty orbitals for it). And to be fair it does have a fair amount of actual chemistry such as atoms only having so many bonds (except that Nitrogen cannot have 5 bonds.but that doesn't really matter, does it? Art Major Physics: Chemistry doesn't actually work like this - molecules are three-dimensional, a machine to pick up single atoms could never be built, different elements are different sizes, etc.

    Spacechem accidents happen